2017: Tuesday 21. of March, 8.12-10; Thursday 23. of March 10.10-12
Cu2+-en assignment follow up. Do numbers behave?
We may also discuss and compare results.
Ligand field theory for systems with more d-electrons. Weak-field and strong-field approximations.
L-coupling (configuration-interaction) with d2 as an example. Splitting of the L-coupled d2
system in an octahedral ligand field.
- L and S couplings and splittings in two- or more-electron systems.
Tanabe-Sugano diagrammes.
dn -systems.
Slides and Lecture notes "Ligand field theory" on Moodle
Electrochemistry Chapter 8.2-8.8, 20.13.
E-pH diagrams (se also a note on E pH diagrams and the Lecture notes IC 8 Electrochemistry)
The influence of substitution of ligands on reduction potentials.
Case studies 2 Q6-10.
Chapter 26 pp. 976-986 to Eigen-Wilkins mechanism (leave out "Ligand nuclephilicity"),
Case studies 2 Q5
Note: "How fast - how stable", End of chapter problems 26.4, 26.5, 26.7.
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