2017: Tuesday, 7. of March at 8.12 in 28B.0-5
Stability constants: "Inorganic Chemistry" Chapter 7, sect. 11-13
Symbols in coordination equilibria.
Lecture Notes for week 9 and 10
(including statistical reasons for relative values of consecutive constants)
Also find on Moodle, Section: Problems for Inorganic chemistry: Determination of stability constants -a simple example
Program (if not treated during last week):
Determination of stability constants (IC 5 Coord Chem Stability)
- statistical considerations
- Consider the stability data for the Cd2+ - ammonia system :
Find the maximum predicted values of logK2, n = 2,3,4 assuming that N is 4 and assuming that N is 6.
- Case study 1 Q6: find lower limit to K1
- Selectivity? (IC 5 Selectivity)
After having introduced stability we turn our attention to the introduction to electronic spectra.
The first approach is the empirical side through (IC 6) "Absorption spectra" (Notes, Moodle)
- Experimental results and systematics og spectra
- The parameter Δ and the spectrochemical series
- Average environment rule
- What has been introduced so far about coordination compounds may be illustrated through Case study 2: Q1-4 and 11-14 (and maybe 15-17).
The next approach for the next couple of weeks is the electronic structure and binding in coordination componds and what can be learned from that.
Study material. Chapter 20 (not sect. 20.2, 20.4, (in 20.6: not quantum numbers J and MJ and Russel Saunders coupling), 20.8 and 20.9; 20.10 only pages 699-701.
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