Chemistry on the net
Here are some links to relevant material on inorganic chemistry which in different ways may be a supplement.
0. IUPAC International Unoin of Pure and Applied Chemistry
1. Webelements is a kind of on-line textbook with a lot of information, illustrations and animations. You may download a copy of the periodic table.
2. Visual Elements is an alternative representation of the elements and the periodic table. Information is given on each element about the discovery, use, occurance, and some of their physical properties. The variation of some properties through the periodic table is nicely illustrated by computer generated landscapes.
3. Through CCD - CHEMEXPER you may find information on various chemicals. Many physical (-chemical)properties are found, and there are IR and/or NMR-spektra of a lot of organic compounds. Furthermore you have access to the MSDS (Medical Safety Data Sheets) information on toxicological aspect and how to handle the chemicals.
4. On the page "Molecule of the month" you may find interesting information on different chemical compounds.
5. The Electronic Nobel Museum Project provides information about Nobel laureates and their work.
The crystal structure of minerals are available in a (MDL.mol) format, which can rotated (with a Chime plug in). Some of the structures are also presented as nicely coloured pictures.
7. The Virtual Museum of Minerals and Molecules provides a soil chemistry oriented selection of structures.
8. Structure and Isomerism of Coordination Compounds gives a systematic introduction to spatial arrangements and geometry of coordination compounds . (Examples in MDL.mol format can be seen with the Chime plug in, which may be downloaded from their site (see "About this web site" in the menue)
9. At University of Sheffield there is a textbook chapter on the VSEPR model
Inorganic reaction mechanisms may be studied here.
11. Videos from University of Nottingham, illustrating physical and or chemical properties of the elements.
12. Virtual Chemistry at University of Oxford
13. Ferrocene
14. Hemoglobin tutorial
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