Workshop on Holomorphic Dynamics
- Iterated Monodromy groups and Henon maps with a semi-neutral fixed point -

Søminestationen Holbæk, November 30. – December 3. 2017

Confirmed Speakers Abstracts Participants Program Arrival info

Laurent Bartholdy
Russell Lodge
Remus Radu
Raluca Tanase
Jordi Canela Sánchez
Dzmitry Dudko
Bernhard Reinke

Per_1(omega), omega=exp(i2pi/3)

The workshop takes place at Søminestationen in Holbæk.

The backbone of the combined workshop and ph.d course wil be two mini courses one on Iterated Monodromy groups held by Laurent Bartholdy and Russel Lodge and one on Henon maps with a semi-neutral fixed point by Remus Radu and Raluca Tanase. These mini-courses will be supplemented with talks on holomorphic dynamics in general. Contributed talks are encouraged. The workshop is open to anyone with an interest in holomorphic dynamics. Especially ph. D. students are encouraged to participate.

Søminestationen in Holbæk is a meeting facility operated by the University of Roskilde. Housing meals and lectures will all take place at the facility. (Only shared accommodation is available.)

The scientific program opens on Friday December 1. at 9.00.
The scientific program closes on Sunday December 3. at 12.00.

Scientific Committee : Christian Henriksen, Eva Uhre and Carsten Lunde Petersen

Organizers : Carsten Lunde Petersen, Christian Henriksen and Eva Uhre

The workshop is a continuation of the long series of autumn workshops in holomorphic dynamics.

Links to previous workshops:

Workshop on Holomorphic Dynamics - Geometry of Julia sets in one and more complex variables. -
Workshop on Holomorphic Dynamics - Hyperbolic Horizons -
Workshop on Holomorphic Dynamics - Maps with an essential singularity -
Workshop on Holomorphic Dynamics - MLC Status and Quo Vadis ? -
Workshop on Holomorphic Dynamics - Featuring Several Complex Variables -
Holomorphic Dynamics around Thurstons Theorem
Dynamics with more than one free critical point
On the Escaping set in Complex Dynamics
On Symbolic Dynamics in Complex Dynamics
Currents and Bifurcation loci in Complex dynamics
Holomorphic vector fields and Holomorphic quadratic differentials in Complex dynamics
Holomorphic motions in Complex dynamics

Last updated 08.12.17